CHERNOBUK V. (2023), PROTECTION OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS IN THE TEMPORARILY OCCUPIED TERRITORIES OF UKRAINE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 38-42

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-38-42


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the protection of children’s rights in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The legal position of the child in the modern world is considered. The regulatory and legal mechanism for the protection of children’s rights in the conditions of war is analyzed. The role of the Children’s Rights Commissioner in the protection of children’s rights in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine has been revealed.

The author states that an important direction of our state’s activity in the field of child rights protection is the improvement of current legislation and the ratification of treaties, including the implementation of international law. Therefore, Ukraine is a participant in many international documents in the field of ensuring children’s rights. However, since the country is under martial law, it is very difficult to fulfill the state task of protecting children’s rights.

In the conditions of martial law, the question arises about the possibility of real protection of the rights of children who suffered from Russian aggression and live without parental care or in difficult conditions. Ensuring the rights of children under martial law requires the coordinated efforts of many organizations and departments. Especially in recent months, when a number of new documents appeared, regulating the behavior not only of parents and other relatives, but also of children.

Keywords: children, temporarily occupied territories, international legal acts, protection.


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