CHORNA A. (2023), PRINCIPLES OF PREVENTION OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES BY THE POLICE IN THE DE-OCCUPIED TERRITORIES; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 43-47

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-43-47


ABSTRACT. The study examines the issues of disclosure in scientific literature and normative legal consolidation of the concept and content of the principles of prevention of criminal offenses by the police in the de-occupied territories. It is emphasized that as a result of the full-scale aggression of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine in the territories liberated from the occupiers, the police are forced to act under special conditions caused by the state of war and the consequences of hostilities and occupation. Some categorical questions regarding the concept of «principle», «legal principle» and the concept of the principles of the National Police of Ukraine are considered. The normatively determined general principles on which all the activities of the National Police of Ukraine are built (rule of law, legality, interaction with the population on the basis of partnership, etc.) are considered.

The opinions of researchers regarding the principles of crime prevention as derived from the general principles of police activity are given. The researchers’ statements on the content of the concept of the principles of preventive activity of the National Police of Ukraine, features of the principles of preventive police activity, which include the prevention of criminal offenses, are also considered. We are talking about the classification of such principles. The definition of the principles of the prevention of criminal offenses in the de-occupied territories is revealed as fundamental and basic ideas, general and fundamental normatively defined (and embodied in the legislation) principles of the activity of the National Police of Ukraine, its authorized persons and structural units, in such a field of preventive activity as the prevention of criminal offenses in the territories that were de-occupied and in which the process of normalization of life is taking place.

Among the peculiarities of the principles of prevention of criminal offenses in the de-occupied territories, it is noted, for example, if among the general principles the researchers single out the principle of demilitarization of the police, but in the conditions of martial law, the adjacency of the de-occupied territories to the combat zone, the principle of police work under special conditions should be taken into account; the principle of interaction of the police with other subjects of the security and defense sector in conditions close to combat operations, etc.

Keywords: special conditions of service, martial law, principles of activity, prevention, classification.


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