Vitalii MUDRAKOV, Nataliia LIUTKO, Olha PAVLYK

MUDRAKOV V., LIUTKO N., PAVLYK O. (2023), «HUMAN» AND «IDEOLOGICAL»: TOWARDS AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR IN THE CATEGORIES OF IDENTITY; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 106-114

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-106-114


ABSTRACT. In the broadest sense, the purpose of the article can be defined as revealing the logic of the relationship between the human and the ideological in the current conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The subject specificity emphasizes the research project of relationships and mutual influences of identities that emerge from the meanings of «being human” and «belonging to a political community”. The methodological basis is the phenomenological guideline for the direct study of a person, which in this study is specified as a systematic analysis of the experience of the value-semantic and political-ideological weight. This made it possible to specify the Russians’ understanding of the war and the quality of their responsibility for it.

Concluding that it is important to constantly analyze the relationship between these spheres, the authors emphasize the need to implement comprehensive measures to institutionalize human security in Ukraine at various levels. The conclusion is that, just like military intervention, ideological constructs that engender hatred of another identity do not come into play spontaneously but are prepared for a long time, and that their barbaric implementation also means that preventive actions of rivals are weak. The key provisions of the article were developed in an ongoing discussion and scientific dialog between the authors.

Keywords: human, humane, ideological, identity, war.


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