POLIARUSH-SAFRONENKO S. (2023), PROCEDURE FOR VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION OF TERRITORIAL CITIZENS IN UKRAINE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 115-121

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-115-121


ABSTRACT. In modern military conditions, the reform of local public power in Ukraine is of great importance for the analysis of the history and modern processes of the balance of centralization and decentralization of power in state formation. Scientific works on reforming local self-government and united territorial communities are studied by such authors as: O. Batanova, M. Voronova, I. Voronova, M. Gaidar, O. Gerasimenka, M. Gorbatyuk, M. Gultai, A. Kulynych, N Lepish, Ya. Pavlovich-Seneta, S. Potapenko, I. Semen, O. Sushinskyi. In the process of researching the works of individual authors on the problem, the following signs were proposed: a) the procedure of voluntary unification of territorial communities is regulated by legal norms; b) principles and conditions of voluntary unification of territorial communities; c) stages of the voluntary unification of territorial communities process; d) the procedure for appealing a voluntary unification of territorial communities. The procedure for the voluntary unification of territorial communities of Ukraine is a legally regulated process of initiating preparation and making decisions about the voluntary unification of territorial communities and their formation and appeal.

The legal regulation of the procedure of voluntary unification of territorial communities in the national law of Ukraine is carried out by such regulatory and legal acts as: a) the Constitution of Ukraine of 1996; b) Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine; c) Law of Ukraine «On Voluntary Association of Territorial Communities»; d) Law of Ukraine «On Local Self-Government in Ukraine»; r) Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 8, 2015 No. 214 «On the approval of the Methodology for the formation of capable territorial communities» and other subordinate legal acts. In order to improve the legal regulation of the procedure of voluntary collective bargaining, we propose to adopt the Law of Ukraine «On Local Referendums» and to amend Clause 1 of Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine «On Voluntary Unification of Territorial Communities». The recommendations proposed in the text will contribute to the improvement of the procedure for the voluntary association of territorial communities in Ukraine.

Keywords: unification of territorial communities, decentralization, normative legal acts, laws, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.


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