YADLOVSKA O. (2023), GENDER POLICY IN WEST ASIAN COUNTRIES: FROM DISCRIMINATION TO REDUCING GENDER IMBALANCE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 138-150

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-138-150


ABSTRACT. The article examines trends in the evolution and development of gender policy in the Muslim countries of Western Asia – Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Turkey, and the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Constitutions of the specified countries were analyzed in view of the articles that protect the issue of equality of rights of women and men, as well as the relevant legislation regarding gender quotas for the representation of women in parliament and government bodies, changes in access to education and jobs, in some countries the legislation enshrines the ability of women to act independently (without the accompaniment of a husband, father, brother) in social and everyday life. It was concluded that legislative initiatives in most countries of the studied region have a declarative nature and are implemented indirectly.

We consider the reasons for such gender imbalance to be inconsistent state policy on the part of the country’s leadership, as well as dogmatism and stability of customary law and the peculiarities of cultural and religious traditions, which are based on patriarchal discourse. It was determined that significant positive changes in the provision of women’s rights were observed in the field of education, in the activities of non-governmental human rights organizations and in the provision of women’s right to work. In view of the above, it has been proven that Azerbaijan and Turkey are recognized as more secular countries in terms of gender equality, other countries of the region have a lower indicator of the gender equality index, but compared to the global indicators, the countries of the entire region have significantly lower indicators of ensuring and implementing gender parity.

In general, female and male leadership, issues of gender equality and stereotyping in the countries of West Asia depend on cultural and religious characteristics and have a serious impact on the norms of social relations, as well as on the position of women in the structure of public life. Over the past decade, a number of countries in the West Asian region have taken practical steps to ensure the equality of women and men.

Keywords: gender, gender parity, gender inequality, gender legislation, gender policy, West Asian countries, Muslims.


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