ZOLOTUKHINA L. (2023), CURRENT TRENDS AND PROBLEMS OF MULTIPLE JOBHOLDING LEGAL REGULATION; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 156-164

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-156-164


ABSTRACT. An analysis of the latest changes in the positive legal regulation of multiple jobholding in the labor law of Ukraine is held. It’s been ascertained that the changes in question are a manifestation of the general trend of modern legal policy of Ukraine favoring deregulation, optimization and liberalization of labor relations and multiple jobholding relations in particular. The analysis takes into account the historical context of the legal regulation of multiple jobholding, which consists, in particular, in the fact that the canceled norms mostly reflected the soviet approach to multiple jobholding.

Providing a legal definition of multiple jobholding at the law level has been positively evaluated. An improved version of this definition is proposed as it takes into account the irrelevance of such a feature of multiple jobholding as performing additional jobs in the time free from the main job. The cancellation of a number of bans and restrictions on multiple jobholding (in particular, bans on multiple jobholding for some categories of employees; the possibility of establishing additional local restrictions on multiple jobholding; limitation of working hours for multiple jobholding), as well as the cancellation of the discriminatory grounds for dismissing multiple jobholding workers, have also been positively evaluated. These changes correspond to the constitutional right to work, the principles of rule of law and equality. At the same time, in the course of legislative changes, a number of legal norms were lost, while those norms: used to be beneficial for the employees interests; used to perform a synchronization of parallel labor relations on annual leaves during multiple jobholding; and also used to draw some types of additional work out of the scope of multiple jobholding regulations. Therefore, it is suggested to consider restoration of such norms in the current labor legislation.

Keywords: multiple jobholding, prohibition, restriction, dismissal, working hours, annual leave, wages.


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