PASTUKH I. (2023), LEGAL REGULATION OF LIMITATIONS ON THE RIGHT OF PERFORMING NOTARIAL ACTS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 164-171

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-164-171


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study of the current state and the determination of directions for improving the legal regulation of restrictions on the right to perform notarial acts. It has been established that the Law of Ukraine «On Notaries» contains restrictions on the right to perform notarial acts, their content is that a notary is not entitled to perform notarial acts only in certain cases. It is noted that the restriction on the right to perform notarial acts on this basis refers to the rules of professional ethics of a notary, which interpret the considered restriction on the right to perform notarial acts more broadly than is provided for by the relevant law. It has been proven that according to the Law of Ukraine «On Prevention of Corruption», notaries are classified as persons who provide public services and are subject to requirements for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest. At the same time, the limits of private interest that a notary must take into account when performing notarial actions are much wider than those established in a special law. It is noted that the Law «On Notaries» is not the only normative legal act that defines its own rules regarding the sphere of private interest during the performance of professional duties related to the provision of public services, similar narrowed legal regulation of this restriction is also contained in the laws , which regulate the activities of public and private contractors, appraisers, auditors and other persons who provide public services.

Based on the analysis of the norms of the Law of Ukraine «On Notaries» it is proved that the restriction on the right to perform notarial acts concerns only the personal and, in part, family relations of the notary, which are associated with a conflict of interests at the level of departmental legal regulation in terms of violation of the rules of professional ethics, in while the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On Prevention of Corruption» apply to the notary public, whose private interest is much broader than that declared in the relevant law, which does not contribute to a clear understanding of situations when a notary public has refrain from performing notarial acts. Taking into account the above, specific changes are proposed to the Law of Ukraine «On Notaries» in order to bring it into line with the provisions of the anti-corruption legislation.

Keywords: restrictions on the right to perform notarial acts, notarial acts, notarial activity, personal interest, private interest.


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