Hanna SPITSYNA, Svitlana GUTSU

SPITSYNA H., GUTSU S. (2023), PROTECTION OF PERSONAL EMPLOYEES’ DATA OBTAINED IN THE PROCESS OF VIDEO SURVEILLANCE IN THE WORKPLACE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 171-178

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-171-178


ABSTRACT. The state of legal regulation of protection of personal employees’ data collected in the course of monitoring and video surveillance at the workplace has been studied. It is established that national labour legislation does not have special rules on the specifics of regulation of this issue, but European countries have quite significant developments and a regulatory framework in the field of regulation of such methods of working with personal information.

The authors have proposed to supplement national legislation by defining the rules, grounds and time limits for employer monitoring and video surveillance in the workplace, namly: 1) the employer must inform the employee in advance about the supervision of the workplace in written or electronic form, as well as give employees enough time for objections; 2) the message must specify the content, type of video surveillance, mode and duration of storage, the person who processes and stores the information, and their contact details; 3) the employee has the right to access information about him/her that was collected during the monitoring process; 4) in case of unauthorized leakage of the employee’s personal data stored by the employer, the latter must inform the employees about this as soon as possible and take measures to eliminate possible negative consequences.

This will help protect the interests of the parties to labour relations and facilitate the implementation of legislation in the field of personal data protection.

Keywords: personal information, workplace surveillance, processing of employee personal data, personal data of employees, information, information protection, labour relations, employee, employer, employment contract.


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