Oleksandr ZHURAVEL

ZHURAVEL O. (2023), LEGAL CASE OF FORCED DETENTION BY POLICE OFFICERS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 244-250

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-244-250


ABSTRACT. Thе article addresses the current issues surrounding the nature of a legal case involving the innocent infliction of harm by police during the course of a forcible arrest, within the framework of criminal legislation in Ukraine. In order to thoroughly examine this topic, a comparison of related institutes of criminal law has been conducted, including the circumstances excluding criminal unlawfulness, forms of culpability, extreme necessity, and necessary defense. A number of specific features inherent in the legal case of the use of force during the arrest of criminal offenders by employees of the National Police of Ukraine have been identified. The article also discusses potential legal consequences of violating arrest rules, which may lead to complaints regarding human rights violations, compensation for material and moral damages, as well as criminal liability. Emphasis is placed on the importance of adhering to legislative requirements and arrest procedures to avoid legal problems. Thе article holds significant informational potential for police officers and anyone interested in human rights and their protection. It examines the relevant issues surrounding the legal case of innocent harm inflicted by police during forcible arrests within the context of criminal legislation in Ukraine. The article compares related institutes of criminal law, such as circumstances excluding criminal unlawfulness, forms of culpability, extreme necessity, and necessary defense, in order to comprehensively study this topic. It identifies a range of specific features characterizing the legal case of the use of force during the arrest of criminal offenders by the Ukrainian National Police. Additionally, the article discusses potential legal cons»equences of violating arrest rules, including complaints regarding human rights violations, compensation for material and moral damages, as well as criminal responsibility. It underscores the importance of adhering to legislative requirements and arrest procedures to avoid legal problems. Thе article will be beneficial for police personnel and anyone interested in human rights and their protection. It can also assist police officers in better understanding the legal aspects of using force during arrests and preventing potential human rights violations.

Keywords: police, use of force, damage caused, forms of guilt, mistake, circumstances excluding criminality of actions.


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