Oleksandr MAKHLAI

MAKHLAI O. (2023), MOTIVATION CHARACTERISTICS OF CONSPIRATIVE COOPERATION WITH OPERATIVE UNITS IN MODERN CONDITIONS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 287-293

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-287-293


ABSTRACT. The motivational features of conspiratorial cooperation with operational units in modern conditions are highlighted. Attention is drawn to the fact that the legislation in terms of legal regulation of operative and search activity is not perfect, with numerous gaps and contradictions. In addition, today’s conditions in which Ukrainian society lives and its development require a significant revision of the normative-legal and organizational-tactical provision of confidential cooperation, taking into account modern value guidelines and social conditions that affect the motivation of citizens to confidentially cooperate with operative units.

Attention is drawn to the fact that there is no unanimity in scientific circles regarding the distinction between the concepts of confidential cooperation and tacit cooperation. The analysis of scientific and theoretical sources made it possible to come to the conclusion that the term secret cooperation is more acceptable to denote the cooperation of citizens with operative units during the implementation of operative and search activity, but they are forced to apply the concept of confidential cooperation due to the legal consolidation of the latter.

It is noted that, taking into account the current state of crime prevention, the level of development of society and its moral and psychological situation, there is an urgent need to review the regulatory and legal provision of confidential cooperation with operative units, taking into account current motivational incentives and guarantees of such cooperation. One of the ways of such a review is the adoption of a new Law of Ukraine «On operative and search activity», which will correspond to the modern conditions in which Ukrainian society lives and current value guidelines.

An analysis of the legislation was carried out in terms of guaranteeing the safety of persons who cooperate with operative units on a conspiratorial basis. It is indicated that it is cheaper and more expedient to prevent a crime than to eliminate the serious consequences of its commission, and therefore it is worth reviewing the approaches to the organization of confidential cooperation of citizens with operative units, focusing on the material motivation of such cooperation with the development of effective guarantees for the protection of rights, freedoms, life and health I am cooperating persons.

Keywords: operative and search activity, motivation, conspiratorial cooperation, operative units, secret workers (spy), society.


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