Anatoliy SHIYAN, Uliana SHEMET

SHIYAN A., SHEMET U. (2023), FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT AND FORMATION INSTITUTE OF INQUIRY IN UKRAINE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 356-364

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-356-364


ABSTRACT. An overview of the emergence and functioning of the institution of inquiry in separate historical periods of social development was carried out. The stages of the evolutionary path of the pre trial investigation in the criminal process of Ukraine are defined. The article formulates the goal of implementing a simplified procedure for pre-trial investigation of criminal misdemeanors.

The modern form of pre-trial investigation has been studied. It was concluded that the assigment of the most numerous component of criminal justice to the category of criminal misdemeanors, the simplification of the procedure of their investigation and the introduction of a new procedural person (investigator) was carried out within the framework of the concept of reforming the criminal justice of Ukraine, aimed at weakening the state`s criminal-legal repression. It is noted that this contributes to the effective functioning of the system as a whole, to reduce the burden on investigators and increase the quality of their work in the investigation of serious and especially serious crimes, to speed up the investigation and trial of criminal offenses. The article defines topical issues of increasing the effectiveness of inquiry. It was found that the development of theoretical and practical ways of introducing a simplified procedure for the pre-trial investigation of criminal misdemeanors into the criminal justice system will contribute to the improvement of the procedural form of proceedings regarding criminal misdemeanors.

Keywords: investigator, pre-trial investigation, institution of inquiry, criminal misdemeanors, criminal procedure.


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