Volodymyr TIMOFEEV, Kateryna BAIRAK

TIMOFEEV V., BAIRAK K. (2023), PROFESSIONAL TRAINING FOR THE TERRITORIAL DEFENSE FORCE OF UKRAINE UNDER MARIAL LAW; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 406-410

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-406-410


ABSTRACT. Territorial defense is a separate division of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which protects the territory of Ukraine, critical and energy infrastructure, helps counter terrorism, and ensures public order. In the conditions that arose, that is, because of the Russian attack on the territory of Ukraine, the question arose of effective, but rapid training of persons who, on voluntary terms, decided to join the territorial defense of Ukraine. This article discusses the issue of the role of territorial defense in countering external threats. The historical aspect of the emergence of territorial defense and its functions is considered. The issues of training of persons who have expressed a desire to join the territorial defense forces are also outlined and considered, since the vast majority of people who, together with the defense and security forces of Ukraine, stood up for the defense of the sovereignty of Ukraine are civilians who do not have special relevant knowledge in combat, as well as do not have special physical, tactical and fire, medical and psychological training.

Training largely depends on how fully and professionally the conditions under which the process of preparing territorial defense mobilization resources is organized and carried out are taken into account. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is a list of important professional skills to increase the effectiveness of training a separate territorial defense brigade to a level that will ensure its readiness to perform tasks for its intended purpose. The question is considered and how, in what period of time the training of personnel of the territorial defense forces can be carried out, since leading specialists of the relevant industries should be involved for quick education. This article discusses the issues of legal regulation of the status of the territorial defense forces of Ukraine, since any armed and military formations must be provided for by the laws of Ukraine. Territorial defense forces may include various units, such as anti-aircraft defense units, communications and information security units, armed intelligence units, important installation protection units, and others. They should be prepared and located throughout the country to provide effective protection in case of need.

Keywords: martial law, territorial defense, special training.


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