HNATCHUK A. (2023), FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF EXECUTION OF COURT DECISIONS IN PLACES OF DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 422-428

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-422-428


ABSTRACT. The article proves that the world’s best practices of penitentiary systems regarding the execution of court decisions (experience) in places of deprivation of liberty show how successful the reform of the criminal-executive system of Ukraine is and how far the conditions of its functioning are brought to European standards.

This understanding of the implementation of the world’s best practices in the execution of court decisions regarding convicts serving criminal sentences in places of deprivation of liberty shows the openness of the functioning of the criminal system of Ukraine, its reliability in protecting the rights and freedom of convicts, the personnel who serve them, and the protection of public interests in the field of criminal enforcement activities.

The article states that this approach, according to the author of the article, makes it necessary to analyze the fundamental works in which scientists try to determine, from the point of view of penal science, the main advantages of the concept of the European penitentiary system over the penal system in the sphere of enforcement of court decisions against convicts who committed a criminal offense and were sent to serve their sentences in correctional or educational colonies of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine.

Timely execution of court decisions is important for the procedure and conditions for serving a criminal sentence by a convicted person, because they determine the time of entry into force of the guilty verdict, the time of arrival of the convicted person at the penitentiary institution and the time of registration.

The purpose of this article is to study the best social practices in the execution of court decisions regarding convicts who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty in foreign countries and its implementation into the national legislation of Ukraine.

The article proves that the next round of reformation transformations carried out by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the 21st century is due to the search for an optimal model for the execution of court decisions regarding convicts who are serving their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty in Ukraine. One of these directions is the study and implementation of the scientific theory of foreign experience in the functioning of penitentiary systems and the place of execution of court decisions regarding convicts in places of deprivation of liberty into the practical activities of bodies and institutions for the execution of punishments.

Finally, our analysis of the social practice of the execution of court decisions regarding convicts who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty in foreign countries shows that the current criminal law of Ukraine is imperfect and requires changes, which is a necessary condition for improving efficiency and effectiveness of work of institutions for the execution of punishments of the State Security Service of Ukraine. This will allow in the process of execution of court decisions to ensure safe living conditions for all subjects of criminal enforcement activities in places of deprivation of liberty, which are the subject of this scientific study.

Keywords: places of deprivation of liberty, execution, court, decision, foreign experience, implementation, reform, criminal enforcement system.


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