IMANOV K. (2023), DETERMINATION OF THE ESSENCE OF THE DAMAGE CAUSED BY AN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSE; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 2, 439-444

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-439-444


ABSTRACT. Reforming administrative responsibility is a very urgent and urgent task for the further development of the entire legal system. In this context, it is important and relevant to conduct special and comprehensive scientific research, to form theoretical generalizations regarding the clarification of the nature of the damage caused by an administrative offense.

The article investigates the legal essence of the damage caused by an administrative offense. The article reveals the peculiarities of scientific and theoretical approaches to determining the essence of damage caused by an administrative offense in the context of determining its place in the structure of the elements of an administrative offense. It is noted that there are many disagreements in scientific doctrine regarding the coverage of the given question. It was noted that, theoretically, the damage caused by an administrative offense should obviously be considered within the framework of its objective side. After all, it characterizes the actual external manifestation of such an offense, its negative impact on social legal relations, which are protected by law. It is also emphasized that according to the author’s position, any administrative offense encroaches on a certain circle of social relations that are under the protection of the state and administrative-legal regulation. According to the results of the conducted research, the category «damage caused by an administrative offense» is proposed to be defined according to two approaches: narrow and broad. According to a broad approach, it is proposed to define the content of harm as a negative (destructive) impact of an administrative-criminal act, which manifests itself in the violation of the normal state of social relations protected by legislation in the relevant sphere, while, according to a narrow approach, it is primarily negative socially dangerous consequences that by cause-and-effect relationships occur in offenses with a material component, consist of concrete damages of a material nature, lost profit, infliction of moral damage, moral suffering, damage to business reputation, etc., to specific victims of the offense. The expediency of using both approaches is substantiated.

Keywords: state, society, damage, administrative offense, composition of administrative offense, administrative punishment, cause-and-effect relationships.


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