Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №3, 57-63

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-3-57-63


ABSTRACT. The article describes the powers of local self-government bodies in the field of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons under martial law.

In the conditions of martial law, a systematic scientific understanding of the effectiveness of the exercise of powers by local self-government bodies in ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons is necessary. Local self-government bodies are closest to the individual problems and needs of persons who have moved to the host community, possess the appropriate resources and means of solving their problems. In conditions of high burden on local self-government bodies, a number of powers regarding the protection of internally displaced persons need improvement and rethinking.

It was determined that the legal regime of martial law conditions the expansion of the opportunities of local self-government bodies to influence the situation of persons affected by the war. Regulatory and legal consolidation of the powers of local self-government bodies is appropriate, but local self-government bodies do not actively use their opportunities. It is appropriate to involve public organizations representing the interests of IDPs in the preparation and implementation of local policies and programs.

The effectiveness of local self-government bodies’ implementation of policies in the field of ensuring the rights and interests of IDPs depends on the quality regulatory and legal consolidation of the powers of public authorities; the level of their institutional capacity and professionalism; available resources and means; proper communication directly with IDPs.

Territorial community, institutions of civil society have the right to assess the quality and efficiency of the activities of local self-government bodies, to correct it in accordance with the procedure established by law or the statute of the territorial community. The formation of the municipal policy for the provision of IDPs should be based on the study of their intentions regarding integration in the host community. Strengthening the institutional capacity of local self-government bodies is a guarantee of their quality provision of the rights and interests of IDPs.

Keywords: rights and freedoms, internally displaced persons, state authorities, local self government bodies, integration, martial law.


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