Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №3, 110-118

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-3-110-118


ABSTRACT. The thesis is about the Fundamental Law of the Ukrainian State and Society as the most important legal guarantee of legality and law and order, which is also its legal property, has been substantiated.

The analysis of the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine related to the subject of the study has been carried out, which testified to the extremely important role of the Fundamental Law of the Ukrainian State in creating a regime of lawful activity of all legal entities. It reveals the meaning of the concept of legality as a multifaceted phenomenon of legal reality and a necessary prerequisite for the formation of a constitutional legal order through a set of imperative requirements (principles) addressed to potential participants in legal relations; the place of the Constitution of Ukraine in the national legal system and the functional purpose of the normative legal act of the highest legal force in the organization of this system have been determined; its importance in ensuring the unity of understanding and application of laws throughout the territory of Ukraine has been substantiated; from the content of the norms of Chapter I “General principles”, the idea of the social-democratic expediency of the law, and especially the Constitution of Ukraine, is clearly derived; in the aspect of mutual responsibility of the person and the state, the idea of the inevitability of legal responsibility for the committed offense is reflected as a guarantee of the restoration of legality; as a manifestation of the conditionality of legality by the democratic regime, the idea of equality before the law of legal subjects who have the same legal status is affirmed; the reality of legality is ensured, first of all, with the help of those constitutional and legal norms that have a significant protective potential.

Keywords: Constitution of Ukraine (Fundamental Law of the Ukrainian State and Society), legality, principles of legality, supremacy of law over all other legal acts, generality of legality, unity of understanding and application of laws throughout the territory of Ukraine, social-democratic expediency of the law, conditionality of legality by the regime of democracy, realities of legality, law and order, legal guarantees of legality.


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