Prospects for systematization of information legislation in the context of the Law of Ukraine «On Media»


SAMOTUHA A. (2022), Prospects for systematization of information legislation in the context of the Law of Ukraine «On Media», Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 193-202

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-193-202


ABSTRACT. The research paper deals with scientific approaches to the systematization of regulatory and legal acts. Due to the analysis of the updated media legislation of Ukraine, the author has found out its current state in the context of further systematization of regulatory and legal acts of the information area. He has highlighted the peculiarities of the systematization of national information legislation based on different researchers’ opinions and suggestions. On the basis of the analysis of the genesis of the information legislation of Ukraine, in particular with regard to mass media, signs of its current systematization have been revealed. Regarding the existing shortcomings and gaps, prospects for further research and ways to improve information legislation in general, and media legislation in particular, have been determined.

The author has concluded that the Law of Ukraine «On Media», although it has some signs of systematization, but there are no convincing grounds to consider it either consolidated or incorporated, and even more so a codified act. On the other hand, among the positive characteristics, its rather unified character has been indicated. Since unification, along with harmonization and novelization, there are forms of pure improvement, and therefore, a prerequisite for the systematization of regulatory and legal acts. The following characteristics testify to the harmonization and unification of the new media legislation: the introduction of the categories of «European product» and «European studio-producer», the detailed integration of the provisions of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television, etc.

The author has determined the following subjects of further research of this topic: 1) the status of regulatory entities in the field of media, in particular the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting, and their control and supervision functions; 2) information law sanctions and their place in the institution of legal liability for information offenses; 3) features of restrictions related to armed aggression, etc.

Keywords: information legislation, systematization, media law, unification, harmonization, institute.


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