Doctrine characteristics of determinants of bullying in Ukraine


STRELCHENKO O. (2022), Doctrine characteristics of determinants of bullying in Ukraine, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №4, 250-258

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-4-250-258


ABSTRACT. The European integration processes of Ukraine require implementing gender policy in all spheres of public administration, including in the educational environment. Accordingly, the gender component, which is a significant indicator of the development of a democratic society and ensures equal access of women to managerial activities at all levels of administration. It permeates all spheres of social life of the country and provides an opportunity to realize social reality. The issue of bullying within the framework of gender policy is currently a very relevant issue in Ukraine. Accordingly, the author has conducted a thorough analysis of concepts related to bullying. At the same time, such categories as «violence», «child abuse», «physical violence», «sexual violence», «psychological violence», «cruel treatment of a child» and «bullying» were characterized. At the same time, it was noted that the following categories related to the researched concept of violent actions are such concepts as «shaming», «mobbing», «hazing», «stalking», «cyberbullying», which we will investigate in the following scientific works. The article analyzes scientific views on the above categories and, with the aim of improving the studied concepts, offers their author’s definitions.

The author has established that violence should be understood as the act or inaction of one person(s) in relation to another person(s), which is expressed in the form of physical, material or psychological influence aimed at causing harm. By «sexual violence», the author understand a type of violence expressed in illegal acts of a sexual nature against the will and desire of a person. Noting the heterogeneity of interpretations of bullying and with the aim of its improvement, the authors formulated bullying as a negative systematic and aggressive influence of a buller (or a group of bullies), which manifests itself in various types of violence, with the aim of intentionally causing harm to the person it is aimed at.

Keywords: child, violence, violence against a child, physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, child abuse, bullying, shaming, mobbing, hazing, stalking, cyberbullying.


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