PRYPUTEN D. (2022), Current problems of administrative and legal procurement of national security, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue №1, 13-18

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-13-18


ABSTRACT. The article deals with the study of the current state of administrative and legal provision of national security and, on this basis, the development of proposals and recommendations for the improvement of the specified sphere and the improvement of the effectiveness of public administration bodies. The article states that ensuring national security is an urgent and main task for our state, the successful implementation of which determines the very existence of Ukraine.

It is justified that the issue of administrative and legal provision of national security is a matter not only of public administration bodies, but also of society as a whole and of each citizen in particular. Attention is drawn to the fact that today civil society institutions play an important role in the protection of statehood and national interests of our country. and sometimes they also take over the performance of some separate functions of the government, while sometimes gaining even a higher level of trust among the population. It is noted that one of the ways to improve the current state of administrative and legal provision of national security should be the creation of a multi-level and multifunctional system of interaction between the state and institutions of civil society in the elimination and neutralization of threats to national security. Which, in turn, requires changes and additions to the relevant legislation.

It is concluded that an important step in improving the effectiveness of administrative and legal support in the field of national security of Ukraine should be a review of some strategic goals of state policy in this field, taking into account military aggression (threats to the safety and security of critical infrastructure objects, the ability to respond effectively to uncontrolled mass movement of people, etc.), further development of the system of national indomitability and stability (important here are areas such as ensuring at the state level the continuity of governance and the full functioning of the system of public administration bodies, their organizational stability), increasing the level of coordination and interaction, including information, between all subjects of the security and defense sector, supporting those reforms that have proven their effectiveness, creating a system of adapted administration (flexible management) capable of quickly and effectively responding to crisis situations.

Keywords: security, national security, provision, administrative and legal provision, strategy, public administration.


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