Oleksandr SYDOROV

SYDOROV O. (2022), FEATURES OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE CURRENT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS OF UKRAINE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue №2, 36-42

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-6-36-42


ABSTRACT. The article examines the essence of a comprehensive assessment of the development of human capital in modern conditions of the development of the national economy. The peculiarities of the individual level of human capital have been revealed. The peculiarities of investing in social, labor, intellectual and organizational capital have been considered. The macro- and microeconomic level of human capital has been studied.

The author has proposed to study human capital according to the three-level characteristic of development at the individual, microeconomic, and macroeconomic levels. An analysis of the expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine (as the main source of investment in human capital) for the development of human capital for the period 2016–2021 has been carried out. The Index of Human Development in Ukraine for the period 2016–2021 was analyzed. The author has proposed.measures to improve the system of human capital development, as follows: clarification of guidelines for the development of the country’s human capital, taking into account the key indicators of the formation of human capital; improvement of the human capital development program taking into account development at the national and regional levels; development of a program of state business support in the training of specialists of the required profile, taking into account the future needs of the labor market; increasing state funding for health care, physical and psychological development, education and social protection as key elements of human capital; provision of state support for enterprises as a basis for the use of human capital, which contributes to the reduction of labor migration abroad.

Keywords: human capital, types of human capital, investment in human capital, formation of human capital.


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