PYRIH I. (2022), CHARACTERISTIC OF THE FURTHER STAGE OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THEFTS FROM PRIVATE HOUSES, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 247-252

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-247-252


ABSTRACT. In the article the author defined the concept of the next stage of the investigation, outlined and specified the tasks of the next stage of the investigation of thefts from private houses. Typical investigative situations of this stage of the investigation have been defined, which can be formed as follows: 1) the suspect fully admits his guilt in committing the crime and cooperates with the investigation; 2) the suspect partially admits his guilt in committing the crime, keeps silent about certain episodes of criminal activity; 3) the suspect does not admit his guilt in committing the crime, refuses to cooperate with the investigation.

Depending on the investigative situation, in order to provide evidentiary information, various investigative (search) actions are carried out, which generally consist of the following: interrogation of suspects, comparison of their statements to clarify the role of each of them in the mechanism of committing a specific theft; interviewing relatives and relatives of suspects as witnesses to obtain information about their awareness of criminal activity; search of the suspect’s place of residence and possible hiding places (place of work, sheds, garages, cottages, etc.); presentation of the suspect and stolen items for identification; an investigative experiment on reproducing the actions of criminals at the scene; appointment of identification examinations, selection of samples for comparative research: handprints, biological origin (blood, saliva, urine), depending on the traces found at the scene.

Also given is a list of possible organizational measures and covert investigative (research) actions that must be carried out when investigating thefts from private houses.

Keywords: criminal offense, subsequent stage of the investigation, typical investigative situations, investigator, investigative (search) actions.


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