KOFAN I., NYKYFOROVA O., LYASHENKO V. (2022), CORRELATION OF INDICATORS OF COMBAT STRESS AND PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL STATE OF POLICE OFFICERS DURING THE WAR; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 308-316

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-308-316


ABSTRACT. In this article the psycho-emotional and personal changes of police officers after their return from the zone of armed conflict are analyzed. The results of an empirical study that prove the destructive effect of combat stress on the formation of a complex of the symptoms of increased excitability and avoidance as consequences of traumatization of the police officers are described and analyzed. Their development is due to the fixation of the police on the excessive intensity of the traumatic event, the experience of a real threat to life. the experience of participating in combat shows that tension, often unpreparedness for activities in extreme situations, insufficient time for rest, poor nutrition and material and technical supply, separation from the family are powerful factors that, accumulating, cause negative mental changes in a certain part of police officers. The need to prevent such changes is indicated; neglecting them can lead to irreversible consequences and cause serious diseases. The study of the prevalence of states of mental maladjustment among personnel depending on the length of stay in the areas of active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine indicates a significant increase in the number of such cases with a long continuous stay in such a situation. At the same time, in the course of the study, it was found that the number of people who did not show symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders at the time of the examination was steadily decreasing. Those who had a high level of education, were older, and most importantly, had a large number of social connections were most exposed to the psychological influence of the combat situation. Therefore, the psyche of a normal person without special preparation for actions in combat conditions is not able to withstand the influence of combat stress factors.

Keywords: combat stress, psycho-emotional state, post-traumatic stress syndrome.


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