GALUSHKO O., KOVALENKO-MARCHENKOVA Y., CHISTYAKOV V. (2022), DIDACTIC ASPECTS OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE CONDITIONS OF PANDEMIC AND MARTIAL LAW; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 324-330

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-324-330


ABSTRACT. The article deals with the topical issues of improving the effectiveness of the educational process in higher educational institutions in the conditions of a pandemic and martial law. The evolution of distance learning is considered. Peculiarities of the remote form of education, which functions on the basis of modern psychological and pedagogical and information and communication technologies, have been studied. The peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions in the context of the pandemic and martial law were analyzed, in particular didactic aspects of the educational process in conditions of danger and increased stress.

Special attention is paid to the psychological state of students and ways of reducing stress and activating their attention on the educational process, taking into account the types of information perception (audio, visual, kinesthetic, digital). Ways to improve the distance learning process in the conditions of a pandemic and martial law are proposed.

Keywords: distance learning, pandemic, martial law, psychological state, anxiety, learning, audio, visual, kinesthetic, digital.


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