DEKUSAR G., LAHUN K. (2022), THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION IN LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE BY FUTURE LAW OFFICERS; Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Special Issue № 1, 336-342

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2022-5-336-342


ABSTRACT. The work determined that the education system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is actively changing and modernizing, which, of course, should be taken into account in the methodological context at all levels of education. The study of the problems of motivating cadets should be continuous, it is necessary to constantly look for new technologies, methods and means for effective foreign language learning, which will contribute to the motivation of cadets for foreign language activities and, as a result, to increase the quality of foreign language activities. The relevance of the study is due to the need to ensure the foreign language educational process in institutions of higher education with a teaching method aimed at increasing the motivation of future law enforcement officers.

The fact that English is the language of the whole world and its study should be approached more deeply and studied precisely in its profile, for the police to perceive the information necessary for him in his work, has been determined. Firstly, the English language helps to achieve progress in international cooperation, which is quite important, and secondly, the policeman repeatedly faces a situation when he should explain to the violator the reason for the stop, or for quick and efficient assistance to the victim who has become a hostage of certain circumstances and turn to maybe only to the police.

In accordance with the unstable economic situation and the reform of the law enforcement system, the requirements for the qualifications of police officers are increasing. New forms and methods of training professional police officers with the involvement of information technologies, and new methods of communication improvement in the field of dialogue between the police officer and the community are being introduced. A foreign language is a significant part of the verbal method of negotiating with people, which should be motivated to be developed among police officers.

Keywords: motivation, foreign language, socio-cultural space, law enforcement officers, study, modern teaching methods.


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