Yevhen SOBOL

SOBOL Y. (2023), THE ACTIVITY OF THE COURT AS A LAW ENFORCEMENT BODY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC JUSTICE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, №1, 8-13

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-8-13


ABSTRACT. The article formulates the main directions in which the law enforcement function of the state is implemented within the framework of the judicial system. An important direction of judicial reform has been formulated, which will allow to increase the effectiveness of judicial authorities as one of the subjects of the implementation of the law enforcement function of the state.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the e-judicial system is one of the elements of e-governance, which is currently considered as a way of organizing state power using information networks, which ensures the functioning of authorities in real time and makes daily communication with them as simple and accessible as possible for citizens and legal entities, non-governmental organizations, and therefore is a promising direction of the existing judicial system.

It was emphasized that, taking into account the quarantine, and even now, during the period of martial law, in the organization of the work of the courts, the main emphasis is on maintaining a balance between ensuring the right to access to justice and ensuring the safety of participants in court proceedings.

The problematic issues of law-making, law-implementation and executive-administrative activities regarding the implementation of the electronic court in the specified conditions are analyzed. Blocks of problems of effective implementation of remote and electronic justice in Ukraine are identified.

It was noted that proper electronic justice would solve not only the urgent problems of the Ukrainian judiciary, in particular, it would guarantee the safety of all participants in court sessions and ensure timely consideration of cases, but there would also be changes in the format of the work of the court apparatus as a law enforcement body, including, it would outline the way for the further implementation of generally recognized standards of justice in Ukraine.

Keywords: judicial bodies, court apparatus, activity of court apparatus, law enforcement agency, law enforcement function, electronic justice, electronic court, access to justice, unified judicial information and telecommunication system, fair trial.


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