LUKIANCHYKOV Y., LUKIANCHYKOV B., MYKYTENKO O. (2023), VIDEO RECORDING AS A WAY TO FORM JUDICIAL EVIDENCE, Scientific Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, № 1, 240-245

DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-1-240-245


ABSTRACT. The article deals with problems of using modern scientific achievements in criminal proceedings. The attention is drawn to the fact that the achievements of various branches of knowledge have long been used in the process of detection and investigation of criminal offenses. At the initial stage, such knowledge was used to clarify the circumstances of the criminal offense (establishing the causes of death, the validity or forgery of the relevant document, etc.). Over time, the need to apply special knowledge in criminal proceedings is enshrined in the relevant regulations. Under of martial law and hostilities, the investigator does not always have an objective opportunity to draw up a protocol at the place of the investigative action, and it is extremely necessary to objectively and fully record its process and results. In this case, a full video recording of the procedural action with the subsequent execution of the protocol of its conduct helps. Video recording should be considered not only as an effective and objective way to record the course of the procedural action and obtained results.

Keywords: technical means of fixation, video recording, procedural actions, investigative actions, interrogation, search, investigator, procedural guarantees, protocol of investigative action.


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