DOI: 10.31733/2078-3566-2023-2-8-14


ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the formulation of the definition of the concept of administrative and legal provision of the child’s rights to safe living conditions and highlighting its content. In the article, on the basis of a scientific analysis, the administrative-legal provision of the child’s rights to safe living conditions should be understood as the activity of authorized entities regulated by the norms of administrative law, aimed at the implementation and guarantee of the child’s rights to safe living conditions, and the creation of the necessary safety conditions and guarantees for their implementation.

It has beensubstantiated that the administrative-legal provision of the rights of the child is a systemic entity, which consists of such interacting elements as: the object of administrative-legal provision; subjects of administrative and legal support; norms of administrative law; tools of activity of subjects of administrative and legal support. It is concluded that the tools of administrative and legal protection of the child’s rights to safe living conditions are means (forms, methods, acts, etc.) that are implemented by authorized subjects within the limits of the granted powers and according to the established administrative procedure and that are aimed at the implementation of tasks and functions with ensuring the child’s rights to safe living conditions. It is substantiated that the implementation of the tasks and functions of the authorized subjects of the administrative-legal provision of the child’s rights to safe living conditions occurs thanks to the appropriate mechanism, which should be considered as a unity of elements, the functioning of which in their unity and interaction allows to achieve the goal – to ensure in the state the rights of the child to safe living conditions and guarantees of their implementation.

The attention has been paid to the fact that the administrative-legal provision of the child’s rights to safe conditions is carried out thanks to the appropriate administrative-legal mechanism, which represents a complex of legal, organizational, financial and economic measures that serve as tools for the implementation by authorized subjects of the goal of administrative-legal regulation, implementation the rights of the child to safe living conditions, to the protection and protection of the relevant sphere of social relations. At the same time, a component subspecies of the specified mechanism is the mechanism of administrative and legal provision of the child’s right to safe living conditions, which requires further scientific research and study.

Keywords: provision, administrative and legal provision, child’s rights, safety, safe living conditions, child’s rights to safe living conditions, implementation.


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